

Friday, July 24, 2015

Awesome Video!!! Chattanooga Marine Veteran's Direct Address to Mr. Obama


  1. Semper Fi Marine! I agree 100%

  2. Time to abolish this governmewnt

  3. You hit the nail on the head, stand tall !!!
    Semper Fi.... Oath Keeper & III Percenter

  4. Great Job and well's time we wake up, it's time the PEOPLE understand how deep this rabbit hole is, it's time those in the Services understand there serves is to the UNITED STATES, INC that has its own agenda and then treats these people like crap... I often wonder why we don't see retired service man and those currently servicing march to the Congress and the White House and arrest everyone of them for Treason upon the people... arrest the Clintons, arrest Biden, Obama and his entire family....Everyone should read this ..... It doesn't matter if you or anyone agree with my comments, what matters is we need to UNITE and Stand on something. People are becoming homeless due the Bank Corruption and Fraud on the people while as you stated so well they have it made with no worries... GOD needs to be restored back in this country... Values need to be restored, Morals need to be restored, RESPECT needs to be restored. etc.. As I said it does not matter if you agree or disagree... what matters is WE ARE OUR BROTHERS KEEPER and it's time we UNITE based on helping each other with a goal to RESTORE the wealth that was stolen from us in 1933, to Restore Peace and Harmony and to restore COMMON LAW COURTS, we do this, we can then hold those in that higher level accountable. God Loves all of US... it's WE the PEOPLE that have abandon him.... and this was all done by design...Now I want to THANK YOU for your Service, I truly appreciate it and I appreciate you honoring those that recently fell in your community....and lastly I want to thank you for the video you made, keep me posted I'd sure like to hear what happens.... e-mail me at
