Friday, June 21, 2013

What would you do???????


  1. Take away his doughnuts!!!

  2. With his short arms, how does he wipe his ass?

  3. slap that cigarette out of his mouth.

  4. shoot his fat ass--That's Felony assault in Ky. I get to rid the planet of porky the turd. K.R.S. reads "an individual may use deadly force if he/she believes that he/she or another person is in danger of death or serious bodily harm" They hit you or your kid or wife or somebody you don't even know its game on.

  5. I'd skull fuck that fat fuck before he could raise his arms. He's a big boy but he's got no reach. One nut shot and knee up ends him in a pile. Big aint shit. Big, able and willing is dangerous.

  6. Unless Porky is packing then he's no threat to anyone. Kick his fat aerobically
    incompetent ass at will. Large is only a threat ifmit's musclemor if it falls on you.
    One swift kick to the knee and the corpulent hulk hits thenground.

  7. Them knees are screaming help as it is, one kick to that knee, it's over, for a long time for the night fella..........

  8. Have you not seen Men in Black? He is a ballchinian strike appropriatly.


  9. "Sweep the leg",gravity is your friend, and he couldn't catch a moderatly active human anyway. Where is he that smoking is legal indoors, and why doesn't he have a keeper?. Trained Sloth are expensive some one may be looking for their pet.
